Four Ways You Can Help
Members young and old share the responsibility for four simple tasks that enhance our worship service every Sunday. Look for the sign-up sheets in the sanctuary or lobby.
- Flowers – Flowers are often given in memory or celebration of a loved one. They provide a simple but beautiful focal point for our sanctuary space. Sign up in Unity Hall.
- Light the Chalice – The chalice is the symbol and sign of our Unitarian Universalist faith. Each Sunday a member or child helps us enter our worship hour by lighting the congregation’s chalice. Sign up in Unity Hall.
- Ringing the Bell – Our historic church bell calls us to worship. Young and old are invited to pull the rope and listen as the bell sounds across the church green. Sign up in Unity Hall.
- Food for Coffee Hour – We are a congregation that loves to eat! Nothing is better or more appreciated than coffee, tea, and a few snacks to nourish the body as we nourish the soul. Generally, the church provides food for coffee hour. However, several times a year we have a special theme: Chili Cook-Off, Soup Sunday or Pi(e) Sunday, for example. For these special coffee hours people in the congregation share in providing the food.