This Sunday, November 25

“Often I have felt that I must praise my world
For what my eyes have seen these many years
And what my heart has loved.
And often I have tried to start my lines:

‘Dear Earth,’ I say, and then I pause
To look once more.

Soon I am bemused
And far away in wonder.

So I never get beyond ‘Dear Earth.’”

Max Kapp

Happy Thanksgiving, dear friends. May we praise the world in awe for what our eyes have seen, and may we praise the Love that sustains us through its brokenness. Be gentle with yourselves and your families this week, and know that your church community is grateful for your presence in this beautiful and brutal world.

This Sunday, November 25th is the last Sunday of the fall semester! We will have a regular RE Sunday despite the holiday weekend, which means that babies-kindergarteners will begin in their classrooms. 1st-8th graders will begin in the sanctuary for a “time for all ages” before being dismissed to their classes.

A snapshot of our learning this week:

Babies will be lovingly held in the nursery.

2 and 3 year olds will talk about the different constellations of families and make paper dolls.

Preschool/Kindergarteners will be exploring the meaning of Thanksgiving.

1st and 2nd graders will hear the story “I love you, Sun, I love you Moon”.

3rd and 4th graders will be exploring the meaning of charitable giving.

5th, 6th and 7th graders will be learning about the hymn “Morning Has Broken”.

8th graders will be focusing on integration–processing the experiences of worshipping in the Catholic and Jewish traditions.

There will be no Coming of Age class on Sunday.

Fall semester RE teachers are asked to meet in the Fahs room for a brief teacher de-brief with me and a member of the RE Committee. Hope to see you there!

The following week, December 2nd, new teachers will be in our classrooms! Winter teachers: please attend a brief training at 9:15 am in the Fahs room, followed by a visit to the classroom for “transition training” if you haven’t already done so.

Please join me in thanking this trimester’s religious education teachers for their love, creativity and flexibility in working with our children. They are each a blessing to this church community.

With every good wish for a bright, blessed and warm holiday weekend,


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